Monday, November 29, 2010

October and November

Lucia turned one in November and I turned 26 5 days later! BrookLynne gives us the biggest fits when we want to take pictures of her - It drives me nuts!!! i feel like this year has gone by super fast!!! Tyler has a new job although we are still looking for something to pay all the bills- Although we are super thankful for the job that we do have- We have been super excited tho about the bathroom downstairs that is almost done! It is amazing how hard it is to go up and down the stairs ten times a night and I still have months till April!! Lets see what else can I ramble about while I keep uploading pics! We are excited for our new baby to be here in April although its a bummer that we are over halfway there and have not had an ultrasound yet - We are still trying to figure out insurance ...Oh ya! Lucia broke in 5 teeth all before her birthday on the 8th- Now she is trying to walk and im super excited about that- BrookLynne is still deciding when she will use the potty and give up her diaper
- That will be the day! Ok Im done for now - chow!

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